Alex Jiang

Web, iOS, Design, Literature

Road To iOS Series 3


What is Notification

  • It’s a message sent to one or more observing objects to inform them of an event in a program
  • a way for an object that initiates or handles a program event to communicate with any number of objects that want to know about that event.
  • A blind structured way of communication (notification doesn’t have to know what those observers are)
  • A broadcast radio station model in MVC
  • A very similar idea like the event listener model in Java

Road To iOS Series 2

View Controller Lifecycle (UIViewController_Class)


  1. awakeFromNib, nib here means storyboard
  2. outlets get set
  3. viewDidLoad
  4. viewWillLayoutSubviews: and viewDidLayoutSubviews:
  5. viewWillAppear: and viewDidAppear: etc. (both repeatedly)
  6. didReceiveMemoryWarning

Road To iOS series 1

Attributed String & UITextView in Objective-C

What is Attributed String

Determine how text will render on the screen. You can think of NSAttributedString as an NSString where each character has an NSDictionary of “attributes”.